Advanced Functional Prog.

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Lists' processing

  1. "Dataflow" operator(s)
    All the preceding functions (map, filter, map2, etc.), and many more, can be found in List module.
    As a complement, these functions can be manipulated more easily with the "pipes" operator(s):
let (|>) x f = f x;;

([1;2] @ [3]) |> List.filter (fun x->(x%2)=0) |> ((+) 1);;

Nb. Most of the functions have remarkable properties usable, for instance, for distributed computing: f (l1@l2) = ( f l1)@( f l2);;

[|1;2;3|] |> ((+) 1);;

Nb. Lists can be easily replaced by Arrays, Sequences, etc. to improve computation times (see. for instance Array.toList or List.ofArray functions).